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Sarah Laverty
Embodiment Coach | Writer | Facilitator

Discover the wisdom of your body 


"What if being the biggest, brightest, boldest version of you is the medicine the world needs most today?

Sarah Laverty

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Hi, I'm Sarah

I’m an embodiment coach, writer and facilitator; devoted to helping humans to connect to our core selves and transform the world around us.  


After several years as a campaigner, activist and communicator, I started to see how deeply intertwined inner and external transformation really is. 


I realised that we can only meet the enormous challenges in our world today when we’re willing to look at how these dynamics play out within ourselves. And when we bring subtle shifts into our internal world, the ripple effect can create a whole new reality.


In my work we go beyond the mental narratives and delve deep into our bodies, where creativity, inspiration and new worlds are formed. By learning how to fully inhabit our bodies we connect to parts of ourselves long forgotten, and forge a new way of being in the world. 


Together we learn how to bring more ease, more power, more joy and more aliveness into our day to day lives. 


We learn how to alchemise what has been into who you are becoming. 


We learn how to allow life to thrive through you. 


We learn how to dream of a world that values all living beings and become the walking embodiment of possibility. 





If you’re craving a personal development space that…


  • Feels like an exhale - we’re not here to create more work for you, but rather to unravel all the ways you’ve been working way too hard. 


  • Treats your individual thriving as a critical component of our collective wellbeing - creating the life that you’ve dreamed of isn’t separate to helping the planet, it’s part of the path. 


  • Acknowledges the role that systems of oppression play in our society - and the power that you have to reclaim what they have taken from you. 


  • Honours the Earth and nature as our greatest teachers - and looks at the climate crisis as a wake-up call for our collective evolution. 


Then you are in the right space. 


Ready to work together? 


Let’s do it!

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Embodiment coaching uses powerful questioning and a connection with the inner felt senses to help you move towards greater flow and ease in your life.


There are lots of different ways to work with me. Take a look at the offerings below.


These self guided courses are designed to give you an introduction to embodiment work and focus on specific tools for transformation.


One on one coaching is a great way to start exploring embodiment work in depth. I provide support on a wide range of topics and offer single session and multi session packages. 


Reconnection is my 3 month coaching container designed to bring you home to your core self so that you can become the biggest and boldest version of yourself that the world has been craving.

What Others Say

“I came to Sarah with a wondering about building my courage - specifically how to become more visible in my work and life, and take the risk of speaking up even when I might be misunderstood or maligned. Sarah was grounded, spacious and reassuring as she expertly guided me through the session. We alternated between speaking and embodied practices, and I especially appreciated how she knew there was more I needed to say on a topic, before I had clocked it myself. Slowly but surely, we discovered new metaphors and movements that can help me maintain my boundaries, and feel like I have my own back as I step into the spotlight. Thank you Sarah, your approach is empathetic, empowering, easeful to experience - and it works!”

Debbie, England

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